Cutting Corners!
We had a great meeting today! We added two more tables and they were all full!! Awesome!! Keep inviting people!! Thanks everyone who brought food and paper products!! Yummy!!!! If couldn't make it today... we MISSED YOU!!
Today's Baby News:
EXPECTING: Amanda McKnatt!!
HAVING A GIRL: Rebecca Godsil!!
Today our creative craft was decorating our toilet paper rolls to look like cute little pumpkins!! If you want information on the "how to", shoot an email to MOPSATREALLIFE@YAHOO.COM
We had three panel members talk to us about cutting corners in our quest for financial harmony!!
Keri Elam talked on how she and her husband paid off thousands of dollars in debt, and are now teaching and helping others do the same!!
Kelly Gooch talked about the importance in her life that coupons have played in her quest for cutting corners! She has walked out with $147.00 in groceries and only paid $42.00 OOP!
Tanya Naugler shared about menu planning and using coupons in her daily life. Planning can equal savings!
Bottom line: We have been blessed us with many resources to aid us in being financially responsible and cut corners!
We just need to tap in and use it!!
Thanks girls for sharing your experiences with us!
If you have questions for any of these three ladies, send an email to!!
Can't wait to see you all at the next meeting!!
OCTOBER 20th!!
TOPIC: Growing with Extended Family
TOPIC: Growing with Extended Family
(don't forget to send in your cute halloween costume cuties!)

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