Our MOPS group is a dynamic, inviting environment where moms can come just as they are to build friendships, be encouraged, and gain practical parenting strategies. All while their children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meeting Re-cap Nov. 3rd!!

Today was our first meeting in the main auditorium!  WOW!!  What a difference!! So much more room to breath and grow!  If you were unable to attend today, WE MISSED YOU!!


Pregnant:  Norma R.

Girl:  Amanda D.

Congrats to both of you!!!!

Today's theme was "to infinity and beyond"!  Our Ice Breaker game was"Astronomy Vs. Motherhood"  It was a series of questions related to the earth and space!  See, we can be educational too here at MOPS!  I learned the gas composition of the earth....  not that I can tell you that now! :o)  Our special guest speaker was Justin Miller, Lead Pastor at Real Life!  He spoke on finding God in the little things and big things and everything in between!  He spoke from experiences in his own life which really made it real!  Life gets tuff at times, but GOD is there all the time!!  Just look for him!!  Sometimes it requires a step back and a  quiet heart!

We can't wait to see you all again for our next meeting, November 17th!!
The theme:
"Lovers and Givers"
Don't forget non-perishable food items for our Nov. outreach!!
Have a great week!!!