Our MOPS group is a dynamic, inviting environment where moms can come just as they are to build friendships, be encouraged, and gain practical parenting strategies. All while their children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


The start of our 2010/2011 MOPS at Real Life Year!!!!!!!!!!!

Our kick off is on Sept. 7th & 8th at Paradise Park!!
If you have no idea where that is... here is a map to get you there!
It is letter A... you can move the map around and
zoom if you need to! 

View Larger Map

We can't wait to see you at 9:30am till whenever we get too hot, sweaty, or really just need a nap!!!  We will have popsicles and water.  If you need any other snacks...  bring 'em along!  Oh yah... don't forget to bring all your mom friends along too!!!  Don't want them to miss out on being a part of a great group of moms!! 

If you are registered for or are planning on attending our Tuesday night meetings, the kickoff will be held at the REAL LIFE playground at 6:45pm on Tuesday, Sept. 7th. 
