Our MOPS group is a dynamic, inviting environment where moms can come just as they are to build friendships, be encouraged, and gain practical parenting strategies. All while their children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

BOYS vs. GIRLS!!! Boys are from mars, girls are from venus?!

Hey ladies!!!

I trust you are all staying dry or perfecting your boat building skills!! I have to admit that my poor lawn is super grateful for all this rain!

Guess what? It is MOPS time again!!! I didn't think it would ever get here! Alas... it has arrived! :o)
Our meeting THIS Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15th & 16th will be so much fun!! Our topic, BOYS Vs GIRLS, will explore the differences, challenges, and strategies for raising kids based on their gender!! Don't forget to represent!!!!!!! Wear either pink or blue! If you only have 1 preschooler then your choice should be easy, but if you have a couple... just wear whatever color represents the child that didn't test your patience that morning! lol

Be creative!

Don't forget our outreach for March... this is the last meeting to bring in items for the Real Help hospitality team! Remember non-perishables!!

Also if you have been taking pics or video of any MOPS event or meeting, pls share!!! Send them to the MOPS email account or put them on a disk for Lydia or Kelly!!

If you are "graduating" or are going to be joining us for MOMSnext this fall, pls let us know so we can start forming our mailing list! We don't want you to miss a single thing!( )

Oh... one last thing.... DON'T FORGET TO SPRING AHEAD THIS Sat. / Sun.!!! Yes, that means we lose and hour of our precious sleep!!! :o( I know, I know... some of you are saying," sleep? what sleep?!!"

I think that covers it for now!!! Can't wait to see you all!!!
Have a great weekend!!!