Our MOPS group is a dynamic, inviting environment where moms can come just as they are to build friendships, be encouraged, and gain practical parenting strategies. All while their children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Let's "embrace" babies in third world countries!!

Are you saving all your spare change?  Every penny counts!!!  Look in your dryer, in your clothes before washing them, in your couches, in your cars, on the sidewalk.... Get the kids involved!  They can fit into the smallest places and look !  LOL  (We can take personal checks too :o)... make them out to REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, and we will get it where it needs to be!)

$25.00 purchases 1 infant warmer which translates to one life saved!!!  We will be collecting from April to May!!  This is our last outreach for the 2010-2011 MOPS year, so let's knock it out of the park!!!  We have reached out to our chartering ministry, our community, and now our world!!!  Let's see how many lives we can save!!!!  NO MOM ALONE!!!  (even across the ocean!)

Here is a short video to help you understand what the embrace infant warmer is!!!

See you April 5th & 6th!!!!